Travelling dogs

Two dogs run towards the camera

A a few weeks ago I had a request from someone to see if I could help their dog with an unavoidable up coming flight. Previously their dog had experienced a lot of anxiety whilst flying and they were hopeful that animal communication maybe able to help this time around. They  explained that their dog usually travelled in a pet bag in the hold with them and that they really didn't like going into the pet bag. 

After making and initial connection I started by asking the dog some questions about how she feels when she goes in the pet bag and what could make it better for her. I also explained to her what was happening and why she had to go travelling in the first place. With this dog, once she understood that this experience (that she really really didn't  enjoy) was associated with being able to see her person again, she felt much happier about it! Following guidance from the dog I was able to give her person some pointers and practical things for the people flying with the dog to do, to make the experience less over whelming for the dog. I also sent energy healing before and during the flight time. 

The following day I was delighted to receive and email saying that the dog had had the best flight they have ever known, and that even before the travelling commenced she was much less worried about going in the pet bag. 
I thought I'd pop this on the blog as it is a lovely example of how animal communication can be used in practical situations to help an animal understand what is happening to them, and help it be a more peaceful and relaxed experience. 

Jennifer Hawkyard

A multidisciplinary artist and designer living and working in remote West Wales, Jennifer specialises in creating intuitively led channelled artworks and messages for her clientele all over the world. Her work is multi-dimensional, colourful and imbued with layers of insight, love and significance.

She has worked with best-selling author Kyle Gray to create The Angel Guide Oracle, The Gateway of Light Activation Oracle, The Divine Masters Oracle and most recently The 22 Archangels Oracle. She has also self-published her own creativity journal filled with inspiring artwork and channelled messages to encourage the reader to explore their creativity and intuition.

Equine Manipulation Treatment - discussing asymmetry


Communicating with Rosa, a beautiful 5 year old Spanish Galgo