What to expect In an Equine Assessment and Body Work Session

A woman is leading a horse out a stable

A few handy tips for when I come to see you and your horse for the first time:

  • Make sure you have your vets permission for me to carry out the treatment.

  • Just a quick phone call to let them know is all that is needed. 

  • It is best to allow at least an hour for the first session.

  • Ideally have your horse clean and dry in a stable.

  • Try to schedule the visit outside of yard feeding times.

  • Don't feed your horse hard feed for at least an hour before the session. 

  • If possible arrange it so that your horse can have turn out in a field after the treatment.

  • Let them relax after, if possible don't ride them that day and then schedule an easy day of stretching and/or turn out the next day. 

What happens?

I will ask some questions about your horses background and discuss any specific problems you may be having. Then carry out a static observation of your horse, followed by a walk and trot up to see how they are moving. Sometimes it might be necessary to also see them on the lunge or ridden. After this I start palpating, assessing and then treating your horse with a variety of body work techniques that are appropriate to them. 

I will explain to you as we go along what I am finding and feeling, and then at the end we can discuss an individual plan for you and your horse going forward. 

How often?

When I first see your horse it may be beneficial to have a follow up session within a short time frame depending on how the horses body has responded and the work load they are in. After we have worked through any tensions and resolved problems the sessions can be spread out. 

Horses always benefit from a treatment, but if everything else such as shoeing, saddle fit and training methods are all working in harmony they should only need a check over and treatment roughly every 6 months. 

We can discuss what would work best for you and your horse after the first consultation.

Jennifer Hawkyard

A multidisciplinary artist and designer living and working in remote West Wales, Jennifer specialises in creating intuitively led channelled artworks and messages for her clientele all over the world. Her work is multi-dimensional, colourful and imbued with layers of insight, love and significance.

She has worked with best-selling author Kyle Gray to create The Angel Guide Oracle, The Gateway of Light Activation Oracle, The Divine Masters Oracle and most recently The 22 Archangels Oracle. She has also self-published her own creativity journal filled with inspiring artwork and channelled messages to encourage the reader to explore their creativity and intuition.


Communicating with Horses


Equine Manipulation Treatment - discussing asymmetry