Visiting Egypt during an animal communication

Continuing on with the theme of ‘layers of animal communications’, I felt it might be fun to share some of the communication I had with a gorgeous young cat called Neytiri earlier this year. Neytiri’s person originally came to me for some help with understanding the dynamics between the 3 cats in their home, and the various things they were getting up to. The experience Neytiri offered during our communication literally brought a whole new dimension into my experiences in animal communications.

Quite unexpectedly Neytiri started our communication by showing me a scene that looked like somewhere in Egypt. I wasn’t totally sure what she was showing me, and I have to confess I don’t have that much knowledge of Egypt, but it soon became clear that this is where she was showing me as the famous Egyptian Pyramids came into view. As the vision became clearer I could begin to see a deep blue oval sapphire jewel on the outside of one of the pyramids, as if the jewel was like a third eye of the pyramid. I then found myself actually feeling like I was in the experience with Neytiri, in the area outside the pyramids. She was walking to my left and slightly ahead and then as we neared the pyramids proportions began to change and her head became much larger and her body began to morph. Her head and body turned towards me and she began to look like The Great Sphinx. She opened her now huge mouth which had become like a huge dark cave or hole ahead of me. My heart was racing at this point, I was fairly confused..........I was then given the choice to 'walk forwards into the dark' Which meant 'walking into her mouth' I was slightly unsure of this and took a moment to gather myself then proceeded forwards. As soon as I touched and entered the dark hole I felt like I was going through a portal into another realm.

In an instant everything around suddenly became sparkling white, glistening and shimmering. It was like being in a sparkling ice cave with white shimmering jewels everywhere. Ahead was a wizard like wise man sat on a chair. He introduced himself and invited me to sit next to him and began speaking… ‘sometimes you have to walk into the dark, walk into the fear, walk into the unknown and you will find yourself somewhere new. You can create the new, for yourself and for all of humanity. You have to have the courage to walk head first straight into the dark before you can come to the other side.’

This message and communication was such a wonderful and expansive experience. I’m am so grateful to Neytiri for all that she showed me in our time together, and the message from the wizard felt like it was also for anyone that finds themselves reading this now. The fear and hesitation I felt before walking into the dark hole reminded me of the many times in life we have to take a deep breath, gather ourselves and walk on into the unknown. In this communication the sheer wonder and delight at what I discovered on the other side of the dark unknown was so much  brighter and more beautiful than anything I could have ever imagined seeing or experiencing.   

The interesting thing about this communication is that when I spoke with Neytiri’s person, she had a huge amount of knowledge and interest in Egypt and Egyptian mythology. I’m learning to get used to expecting the unexpected when communicating with animals now! 

Jennifer Hawkyard

A multidisciplinary artist and designer living and working in remote West Wales, Jennifer specialises in creating intuitively led channelled artworks and messages for her clientele all over the world. Her work is multi-dimensional, colourful and imbued with layers of insight, love and significance.

She has worked with best-selling author Kyle Gray to create The Angel Guide Oracle, The Gateway of Light Activation Oracle, The Divine Masters Oracle and most recently The 22 Archangels Oracle. She has also self-published her own creativity journal filled with inspiring artwork and channelled messages to encourage the reader to explore their creativity and intuition.

Words of wisdom from Red Rum


Roo and Prada’s Story