Words of wisdom from Red Rum
Red Rum, from the painting by S.Crawford
This time last year I came across an old Christmas card that my Nan had given me years ago, which on the front of which has a poem entitled ‘Yearling for Sale’ by Mary Lascelles. It’s a poem about a beautiful bold bay yearling being taken through the racing sales. The words of the poem are surrounded by sketches by Jaquie Jones of the gorgeous feisty bay horse being described in the poem as about to be sold. This was the beginning of the racehorses coming to talk to me.
Shortly after this card re appearing in my life I found myself buying a framed print of the painting ‘We Three Kings’ by S.Crawford. This painting has the three famous racehorses Arkle, Red Rum and Dessert Orchid on it. As I carried this print to my car part of me wondered why I was taking a painting of three racehorses home to go in my living room. I’ve always had mixed feelings about the racing industry and questioned why I’d now be having these racehorses watching over me everyday. Following the thread of what was unfolding I popped the print up on the wall and curiously glanced at them most days. Still wondering why I had experienced the impulse come to bring them home with me that day.
Then, one day a week or so later I was sat glancing at the print and I felt to grab a pen and paper. With that I felt Red Rum kind of beamed intently at me and words started to flow. Below is a description of what happened next, and what unfolded in that meeting of our energy. It’s taken a while for it to percolate, and for me to begin to understand more fully what he was showing me, but it feels now is the time to share this experience-
In the first moments there was a feeling and sensing of his power and softness as he connected with me from within the painting on the wall. Feeling his deep love of people, his love of his life, his huge heart. Like he was showing me who he was when he was here in his physical bodily form.
The next part I received was of him ‘Throwing his heart over the finish line’ I literally experienced within my body the feeling of him winning with his heart. The sounds of people cheering. The sense and image of his heart being carried by this bigger than Life energy, and his body ‘following’ his heart.
Lightness, elation, willingness, so much strength in the energy of his heart that it felt like it could carry him anywhere.
Having seriously got my attention now, I was captivated and he then went on to invite me to see him and the horses of the racing industry in a different way-
Look at the horses and seeing ‘The Horse’ and not the industry. Celebrating them as individuals, without pity or ‘putting’ on them ‘oh poor them’.
They feel bold, energised, in their power.
See the horse in all its beauty. See the shining, beaming light. The power of our being. Our presence on the earth. ‘Among the people we walk’. Thousands of people, all focussed on our light. We brought them connection. Connection to each other, in a way that they could. We united people. Some could see our beauty, some could see our soul, some could not. We still beamed and walked out for those that can and could.
There is darkness in the industry, but see the light. See the all. See the lines. See what can become. Bring the past and be in the now and look to the future. Transform where you can. Be ready for those that are. That are ready to experience the joining, healing and transforming. Join the lines and see them forwards. We are waiting for you.
He then took me up, on his winged back. Reddish bay tinges. Above Epsom downs. We soared into the sky to see a birds eye view of the racecourse. Horses, people, beings all bustling around below. ‘Its ok to connect with them, as long as you see the WHOLE horse. The WHOLE being. The WHOLE picture. I am here, with them all. Honour us as beings.’
I then asked, What do I do with the lines? (I’ve since come to understand more about the lines, and what they are. I’ll pop another post up about this soon)
‘Just see the lines, and know they can be whole. Imagine, see and feel the lines to be whole. Allow the fractured parts to come into vision, into being, into the picture. See the fractures joining, integrating, becoming whole.’
See each horse in their wholeness. There whole being can be within them in all their magnificence. Bring forward and through all the parts. Gather the fragments, see them come, let them come, feel them come. And know that this can be so and you will feel peace when this happens. Integrate and celebrate all the parts from this life. Then turn and look to the humans and see them for who they are. Beings of light, on a path, see them where they are. Honour them where they are.
Keep the door of light, a possibility, open. Keep it open. Keep it open. See them where they are and wait. Leave them where they are. Leave the door of possibility open, but don’t put on them your thoughts and ideas of who you think they should be. Honour their path and place and leave them there. Diffuse energy. No attachment. Neutral. It just is. Let it all be and keep the doors open, leave the lights on for them to see when they are ready.
These final words were accompanied with images of darkness and a dusky winters evening in the streets of a city. Lanterns and fire torches in the distance. The light bearer going ahead, wearing a black coat and hat lighting the lights down the sides of the street. Behind them, people slowly leaving the old ways and ‘heading towards the streets and paths with lights that have been left on for them’.
After receiving all this I sat in wonder for a while. Wonder of what had just happened, wonder of what it all meant, and wonder of what I was meant to do with all this information. So here it is, the beginnings of the thread I find myself following. I’ll post some more about the themes in this message, and in another post I’ll share the poem that set the sparks in motion. If you feel moved to I’d love to hear what you feel or understand from reading this experience, or any questions that come from it too. You can pop me an email at contactamazingmind@gmail.com .